What people are saying.

  • Trusting Relationships

    “Matt was successful at forging trusting relationships with parents and families. Matt is an empathic listener and consistently validates others’ viewpoints. This was evidenced multiple times during contentious IEP meetings or change of placement meetings for our most vulnerable students. Matt went above and beyond by meeting with parents to prepare for IEP meetings, sharing information in advance and always seeking to understand each parents’ goals for their child.”

    Cammy Green, Former Lead School Psychologist - KIPP Public Schools Northern California

  • Problem Solving

    “Matthew excels in his ability to problem solve with team members during high profile IEP cases. He maintains professionalism and continues to be an advocate for our families and team members.”

    Husna Mohammadi, Speech and Language Pathologist - KIPP Public Schools Northern California

  • Navigating Complexity

    “Matt is especially skilled at supporting high need cases & nonpublic school placements. He independently managed multiple challenging & complex cases over the course of multiple years, and built strong relationships with families of our students who had previously had a difficult experience in the public charter school system and where trust needed to be repaired or rebuilt between the school system & the family. Matt is student & family centered, persistent, thorough, and creative in working with families and IEP teams to develop individualized and thoughtful plans that serve our students.”

    Andrea Francis, Principal - KIPP University Park Middle School